The Poehlmann Fitness Show, hosted by Adam Poehlmann, helps you get real, practical advice on how to transform your body, mind, and spirit. Adam discusses the truth about health and fitness and brings a fun element to the show. Through question & answer, topic-based, and interview episodes, The Poecast will allow you to expand your knowledge on health and fitness in order to help you grow as an individual. You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on Instagram (@adampoehlmann_pt), Facebook (adam.poehlmann.9), and the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com). The Poehlmann Fitness Show is an extension of Poehlmann Fitness, where we coach you to your dream body without strict dieting. If you’re ready for REAL and PREDICTABLE results, message Adam on IG with the word “Ready” and he’ll see how he can help.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Ep. 028: High Weight & Low Reps or Low Weight & High Reps?
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam answers a question about weights/reps and discusses his thoughts on which method is better.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Monday Oct 15, 2018
Ep. 027: - The BEST Way to Beat the Holidays
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam discusses his thoughts on a couple of ways you can beat the Holiday weight gain.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ep. 026: Strategies to Eat More Protein
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam answers a question about protein and discusses his thoughts on some strategies to eat more.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Ep. 025: How to Build Glorious Glutes
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam answers a question about building glutes and discusses his thoughts on how to do it the right way.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Ep. 024: Anna Merrill on the Lessons Fitness Teaches Us
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam sits down with Anna, a yoga, bodybuilding, and crossfit junkie, and talks about the many lessons she's learned.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Ep. 023: When Do You Need a Break From the Gym?
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam answers a question about resting and discusses his thoughts on taking some time away from the gym.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Ep. 022: Hormone Function & How to Naturally Increase Testosterone
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam discusses his thoughts on hormone function and how to naturally increase testosterone.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Ep. 021: Benefits of Compound and Isolation Movements
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam answers a question about compound and sing-joint movements and discusses his thoughts on why both are important in your training program.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Ep. 020: How to Make Health & Fitness a Priority
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam discusses his thoughts on what it takes to make health and fitness a priority.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Ep. 019: How to Gain Muscle As a College Student
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
In this episode of The Poecast, Adam answers a question about gaining healthy weight in college and discusses his thoughts on tips that can help.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show!
Do you have any questions for The Poecast? Give Adam a follow on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit). Every week Adam will post the Poecast logo along with “POECAST PREGUNTAS”. That is your green light to ask any question you may have regarding health, fitness, nutrition, life, etc. Heck, ask whatever you’d like!
You can find Adam and Poehlmann Fitness on instagram (adam_poehlmannfit), Facebook (facebook.com/poehlmannfitness), or the web (www.poehlmannfitness.com).
Do you want to boost your metabolism, increase your strength and muscle, AND lose body fat? Check out Premier Coaching at Poehlmann Fitness (www.poehlmannfitness.com/premier-coaching). With 24/7 access to Adam as your personal coach, along with custom-tailored training programs and nutrition protocols, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain your results like never before.